Empowering Young Black Men Across America

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Providing Personal and Professional Support out of St. Louis, MO, for Young Black Men Across America

HENLOR Foundation Corporation Provides Resources and Opportunities to Benefit the Community

Did you know only 40% of Black males graduate with a four-year degree? Based in St. Louis, MO, HENLOR Foundation Corporation works to improve that statistic and many others like it by investing in young Black men through providing opportunities, mentorship, and support among others. We create personalized, project-based learning environments where all students are known well and challenged to meet high expectations in partnership with community and business leaders of all kinds throughout the area. If you would like to know more about who we are or what we do, please contact us today by clicking here.

The Mister Juneteenth™ Pageant in St. Louis, MO

HENLOR Foundation Corporation takes pride in being one of the only national Black male pageant systems to offer scholarships and incentives to deserving youth and adult males. Our inaugural pageant on May 19, 2023, was a hallmark event, as we welcomed black males, graduating high school seniors, undergrads, and graduates from every region of the country. The national pageant was held in St. Louis, MO, a location befitting to celebrate educated Black gentlemen. Click here if you are interested in becoming a contestant.

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